Road Map to the Sky

Sale Price:$19.99 Original Price:$29.99

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WHAT IS IT? The Road Map to the Sky is the definitive checklist to help you get from zero time to professional pilot in the most efficient way possible.

Through trial and error, and many hours and dollars spent, our flight training professionals have forged a path that maximizes every dollar you spend without compromising an accelerated timeline. If you want to earn your certificates and ratings quickly and in the most cost effective way, the Road Map to the Sky is for you.

WHO NEEDS IT? This product is for the committed applicant who wants the most efficient path to becoming a professional pilot without sacrificing quality in their training. It is designed for Part 61 flight training.

A quick online search will reveal flight training programs that are designed to get you through flight school quickly and on your way to becoming a professional pilot - as long as you can keep up with their timeline and and have A LOT of extra money. You could begin flight training today and spend $101,995 for the “fastest timeline possible” but you may very well be spending in excess of $50,000 if you select that route.

WHY BUY THIS PRODUCT? It’s hard to know what you don’t know, and when getting started in aviation, that quickly equates to excess time and money spent achieving your goals. This checklist is specifically designed to ensure you don’t miss an important step along the way and that each step is done in the most efficient way possible.

THE MOST IMPORTANT PART! In addition to your digital download, you will have unlimited access to our flight training professionals. They can answer questions you have about flight training, consult you on specific aspects of the checklist, and help connect you to the resources you’ll need to be successful. After your initial purchase, you will be guided to schedule a one-on-one consultation to discuss your specific needs and goals.

DISCLAIMER: This document is to be used as a supplement only and is not a substitute for the manufacturer's documents or material. Always conform to all applicable Federal Aviation Regulations and use the current manufacturer's approved Airplane Flight Manual or Pilot's Operating Handbook to ensure proper operation and safety of an aircraft. Full Spectrum Flight assumes no responsibility for misuse of this document or any errors contained within it.

• 1 product (.PDF)
• Finished product
• Comprehensive and easy to navigate for efficient use of time in both ground and flight training settings
• Print-ready PDF
• 12 pages including cover
• Easy download
• This is a digital download file - NO PHYSICAL ITEMS will be shipped

• PDF file viewer

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Because digital items are available for download immediately after the purchase, cancellations and refunds are not offered. If you have any questions about this item, please send a message prior to placing your order.

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